Sheri’s Lamb Chop

Ginny and Rita mentioned Sheri Lewis and her puppet Lamb Chop in commenting on yesterday’s post. I had never heard of them, so I found this video.

Sheri’s Lamb Chop was entertaining, but mine is more cuddly.

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14 Responses to Sheri’s Lamb Chop

  1. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Thank you! Sherri Lewis invented Lamb chop and had her own show. I watched it as a kid. I believe at the time, she was the most famous female ventriloquist. So long ago, over 50 years!

  2. Thank you! This was so interesting that her daughter has taken over Lambchop’s act? life? lol! I never knew what happened to Sheri Lewis. I watched her on Captain Kangaroo from the time I was five–so 68 years ago! My goodness! Thanks again. 🙂

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    I do know the show but it wasn’t one that I ever watched and I don’t think my kids did either.

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I never watched her show, but was aware of it and remember seeing her with lambchop once in a while. back then I was working and raising boys and owned only a small 19 inch black and white tv. I agree yours is a lot more cuddly.

  5. Myra Guca says:

    I never watched Shari and Lamb Chop either; probably glued to watching Rin Tin Tin or Lassie. (Tomboy, party of one!)

  6. I also watched Sheri Lewis and Lamb Chop when I was a child!

  7. The OP Pack says:

    I remember Shari and Lamb Chop. Watched her many times when I was a young girl. Nice memory. We are so glad you are enjoying cuddling with your Lambie.

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