Another Visit

Andy took me up to the land for another great visit and dinner yesterday.

I took this picture with my iPad driving in.

And these as we were driving out.

It’s a long trip, about an hour and forty minutes for me, and an extra fifteen minutes for Andy. But a lot of it is pretty.

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24 Responses to Another Visit

  1. What lovely countryside.

    God bless, Cheerful Monk.

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    It sure is a lovely view. Glad you are able to get out and visit with Kaitlyn while she’s there.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    so very beautiful, all of it, and I am so happy to hear you had another outing to your beautiful mountain top and beautiful family… I am also happy to know you can ride that far.

  4. Rose says:

    Seeing those views would sure make me feel good.

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …the green is refreshing.

  6. Myra Guca says:

    How this news gladdens my heart!

  7. It’s so beautiful. So glad you got to go again.

  8. That view up top is absolutely beautiful!

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