The Cheerful Cherub

Andy’s parents had a copy of The Cheerful Cherub, and I was taken by its whimsy when we used to visit them.

I thought of that yesterday when someone asked how I was doing in assisted living, was I counting the days until I could go home? No, I’m not. It won’t be until September 3 at the earliest, and even though the chances are good, there are no guarantees my hip will be healed enough even then. So I thought of

Life itself can’t give me joy
Unless I really will it.
Life just gives me time and space–
It’s up to me to fill it.
——The Cheerful Cherub

And of a woman I worked with in a factory during college summer vacations. It was hot, noisy work and I was counting the days until the weekend, when my boyfriend was coming down and we had some fun things planned. She yelled at me,

Don’t wish your life away!

Working in a factory was her permanent job, and she wasn’t complaining. She wasn’t wishing for something better, she was a happy, upbeat woman making the most of the life she had. Thanks, Helen. I heard you.

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20 Responses to The Cheerful Cherub

  1. True, don’t wish your life away …

    God bless.

  2. Rose says:

    A friend and I often talk about how we wish our life away when we wish for this appointment or that one to be over.

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …I always enjoyed what my work, I worked for myself.

  4. Absolutely agree!! Do not wish your life away…or you’ll miss it! 🙂

  5. Myra Guca says:

    I never heard of the Cheerful Cherub, but ‘whimsical’ is a great word!
    My parents also used to caution me, “Don’t wish your life away!”

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I love all of this!! And this book has some amazing thoughts. I am going to look it up on amazon and buy it. I am so sorry you have so much longer in rehab.

  7. sounds like you are having a new experience and using it and your own cheerful monk knowledge to be happy with what life has thrown you – to keep on doing what you can do etc.

    what of the other people in the assisted living home – are so resilient or just marking time

    you appear to have your own room, but I guess you eat in a dining room or similar with how many others?

  8. Those are all super good and worthy of thought and consideration.

  9. Ann Thompson says:

    I need to remind myself constantly not to wish my life away. I’m always wishing for the next day off.

  10. MadSnapper says:

    Hi, another one I missed. I like that book and am sure is has a lot of good and/or funny things to read. so glad you are happy with your beehive and have your own room.

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