Question Two

Yes, most of you recognized that a pup made those markings in yesterday’s post. πŸ™‚

Today’s question is why are there so many piles of wood in the national forest?

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30 Responses to Question Two

  1. homes for fairies πŸ™‚

    the business that sells firewood – has run out of space in their store room

  2. Everyone and everything has to be somewhere sometime. For example, if a black cat crosses your path it signifies that it is going somewhere. Which explains why the chicken crossed the road.

    God bless.

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …may the forest be with you.

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I like Tom’s answer best, ha ha.. no clue, they cut down dead trees and are waiting for someone to come pick them up for firewood? maybe

  5. Christine says:

    Very curious piles

  6. It’s a mystery to me. Someone spent time making those tidy piles for some reason.

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    This is a harder one. Maybe because of the fires?

  8. Looks like the beaver families have been busy!

  9. Bruce Taylor says:

    Looks like the powers-that-be were clearing the forest, hopefully to avoid fires.

  10. Ann Thompson says:

    It looks like stacks to build fires but that wouldn’t make sense. Perhaps winter homes for forest animals.

  11. Myra+G. says:

    I haven’t a clue, but look forward to the answer!

  12. No clue. But my guess would be that they are stacked up waiting for someone to remove them. If you find out please let us know. πŸ™‚

  13. The OP Pack says:

    No clue here either – we await your answer because we are sure you know:)

  14. Rose says:

    I came down to see if I got the comment made…I knew the answer, but see I didn’t get it made…now no one would believe me and I would not blame them. LOL

  15. Those are interesting pictures. I was thinking that it was because they don’t clean the forest much anymore but those are very neat piles that you are showing.

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