The Quality of Our Lives

This has been one of my mantras for years:

But Ginny has found a version I like even more.

Your mind is a garden
Your thoughts are the seeds
You can grow flowers
Or you can grow weeds

Easier said than done? Well, yeah. Gardening is a lot of work, but it’s well worth the effort.

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28 Responses to The Quality of Our Lives

  1. Weeds are plants that we do not want.

    God bless.

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Both excellent quotes. The thing about the second one though is that there are plenty of weeds that I find appealing. I wonder what that says about me?…lol

  3. Rose says:

    I always did like to garden…

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I am not fond of gardening and I like weeds as much or more than flowers.

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …sadly, I grow both!

  6. I also grow both, but I get the meaning!

  7. Sometimes those pesky weeds refuse to give up!

  8. Christine says:

    Lovely sentiments

  9. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Thank you! Of course I love this post!! I hope you are slowly but surely getting better! You are so very strong and uncomplaining.

  10. Definitely easier said than done but those are great. Thanks for sharing them.

  11. Bruce Taylor says:

    It seems there are too many “weed growers” out there these days. Oops, there I go.

  12. Oh, I love that one! 🙂

  13. Myra+G. says:

    I was thinking about Ginny’s version while doing yard work today! Like Sandra, I’m not so fond of gardening …and actually feel a little guilty weed-whacking some of the “undesirables.”. Color me looking forward to a hard frost!

  14. the problem with Myra’s solution of the “frost” – here the frost rarely touches the pesky weeds, rather it gets your very best flower!

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