Hawaiian Luau Lunch

They invited friends and families to a Hawaiian Luau lunch Friday and suggested that the guests wear Hawaiin shirts and bring one for their loved ones too. So Kaitlin and Torben ordered some for us, including the pups.

The ones for the pups turned out to be way too small, so they wore them attached to their collars.

Here are Kaitlin and me.

I thought it was incredibly sweet of Kaitlin and Torben to do that.

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26 Responses to Hawaiian Luau Lunch

  1. MadSnapper says:

    I am so glad to see you and Kaitlin and happy they let the grandbabies come too… what a great idea…

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    I love all the shirts. How fun. That’s awesome that the pups were allowed to attend also. They look cute with their Hawaiian collar shirts

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …I need to get one of my Aloha shirt out!

  4. Rose says:

    I, too, was so glad the pups got to come.

  5. It’s always fun to step out of the norm of our routines. You all are rocking those shirts!

  6. This looks like a great time! You look really happy.

  7. That looks like such a fun time for everyone!

  8. Ginny Hartzler says:

    What a lovely surprise! And it’s so good to see YOU!

  9. Sounds like fun. I love the photos.

  10. Myra Guca says:

    What a great idea, and I love being able to SEE you having a good time together. (Hi, Kaitlin!)
    Y’all behave!

  11. The OP Pack says:

    What a nice event for them to plan for you and the family. And the pups got to come too??? How great was that!!!

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