How Cool Is That?

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9:46 AM

9:47 AM

These are screen shots of Where’s My Ipad as Kaitlin, Torben, and the pups started their trip back east Monday morning. When I left the hospital for a rehab place last month Kaitlin set it up so she could track my iPad in case it got lost. Now we have it set up so I can follow their trip and continue to feel close.

When their reception is good the coverage is live. Otherwise it updates when it can. I love it!

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22 Responses to How Cool Is That?

  1. I am amazed at all the things these new devices can do! I barely know how to use my smart phone–lol! πŸ˜‰

  2. That really is super cool technology!

  3. Linda Sand says:

    When I was a snowbird traveling without my husband, I came home to find him sitting out front waiting to help me unload. He used Find My iPad to track my travels so he knew when I was almost home. Good man.

  4. That is very cool indeed!

  5. Myra+G. says:

    Neat! I love modern technology.

  6. The OP Pack says:

    Very cool indeed. Our daughters use the Life 360 app to track where their kids are all the time. We hope they find that iPad AND you back home soon.

  7. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …the area isn’t verdant!

  8. Bruce Taylor says:

    I came home last week to find I had left my phone somewhere. I found a program on the Internet and it immediately showed me that it was in a grocery store I had visited. I went back and retrieved it. Amazing!

  9. I know my phone has many apps that I’ve never used – I’m sure they would be useful for quite helpful reasons

    that’s cool for sure

  10. Rose says:

    This is so cool!

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