More Pup Pictures

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27 Responses to More Pup Pictures

  1. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …I hope that all is well with you!

  2. Rose says:

    I so love these!

  3. Really great photos.

    God bless.

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I have a huge silly grin on my face, I wanted to reach in the photo and hug both of them sitting there looking at grandmas back yard.. so huggable

  5. Such sweet and adorable pups!

  6. These are wonderful photos of these sweet pups!

  7. Myra Guca says:

    Beautiful! That last image makes me think of 1961’s “Splendor in the Grass.”

  8. Such sweet photos of them. Love the 2 of them with their backs to us.

  9. Ginny Hartzler says:

    They are all so good. I think my favorite may be the last one.

  10. The OP Pack says:

    The pups sitting and watching can be seen here a lot too – always surveying the kingdom for those squirrels and rabbits:)

  11. Love the garden gazing photo. Dogs really do take in the scenery around them.

  12. I especially love the one of them checking out the yard. πŸ™‚

  13. Ann Thompson says:

    Always enjoy pictures of the pups. I love the second one.

  14. Bruce Taylor says:

    I think they definitely know when they’re being photographed. Even from behind!

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