They’re Home!

Kaitlin sent this message yesterday afternoon our time,

We are home!

Stuff out of car and thrown unceremoniously in the house!

In fact I had checked a bit earlier on Find My iPad and they were in Concord, the adjoining town. So I watched them drive home on roads the Andy and I went on when we visited them three years ago. How cool is that! (Click on pictures for higher resolution.)

The icon Find My iPad uses is this picture taken at that time.

For more pictures taken at that time see Kaitlin and Torben’s Place.

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23 Responses to They’re Home!

  1. Technology is amazing.

    God bless.

  2. MadSnapper says:

    I took another peek at the house, it is so beautiful and the thing I like the most is those huge views from the kitchen of the woods and NO NEIGHBORS. love that huge painting. so glad they are home safe and this app is beyond cool.
    the pizza place we order from has a tracking app on their website and I can watch the car sitting waiting, and then it starts driving and I will say to Bob, the pizza is half a block away.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    PS, please remove my name from the duolingo list.

    • Jean says:

      If you change your mind just don’t reply to the invitation. And if you do reply you don’t have to pkay with it unless you’re in the mood for a little change.

  4. Rose says:

    I bet they are so glad to get get the drive over with. I love their place.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Glad they made it home safe and sound. That’s pretty cool that you can track where they are.

  6. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …home is always a great place to be.

  7. Hooray, I’m glad they made it, that was quite the jaunt!

  8. I’m sure they are exhausted. A happy exhaustion.

  9. Glad they made it home. Their place is beautiful.

  10. Glad they had a safe trip.
    Being able to follow them seems unreal to me yet. 😉

  11. Myra Guca says:

    I think my son and DIL had a similar app on their iPhones to see their teenage girls’ locations when they first began driving and going out.

  12. Ginny Hartzler says:

    You are more adept at technology than I am! This is so cool!

  13. The OP Pack says:

    Glad they made it home safely. Now to settle in and get back to the real world:)

  14. Bruce Taylor says:

    Wow! Their home is spectacular! How lucky are they to live in such a lush area.

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