My Favorite View…

in all the world.

(The picture doesn’t do the raindrops justice, of course.)

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13 Responses to My Favorite View…

  1. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Rain! And after being away from home for so long, I bet this view is super lovely!!! And the bed more comfy, and the food more tasty, and the chairs more suitable.

  2. agree with Ginny – I think we miss our personal bed as well of course things that just make us happy

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    It is a nice view. I bet you really missed this.

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …you sure have been rain, enjoy the green.

  5. Rose says:

    I think any view from that window would be wonderful…the rain is just the icing on the cake!

  6. MadSnapper says:

    Home sweet Home, there is nothing better to me and I think you feel that way to. So glad you are home and waiting to see what the window on the world shows you. I am sitting looking at out my living room window on our world

  7. Nothing beats being home again! 🙂

  8. Myra Guca says:

    There’s no place like home!
    Your close-up of the pine needles warms my heart. Thank you!

  9. Nothing beats being in your own home. I so happy for you to be home again.

  10. That’s quite the pleasing view!

  11. Linda Sand says:

    Being home and being with hubby again are two of the best things in the world. I’m happy for you.

  12. The OP Pack says:

    And after having been away for that time, we bet it is even more beautiful in your eyes. Hope you are continuing to do well.

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