Sharpening the Axe

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
—Abraham Lincoln

Years ago when we got back from a trip and the living room was full of our things from the trip and the mail that had come when we were gone, Andy said,

There’s only one thing we can do — go out, close the door behind us, and start over somewhere else.

I thought of that Wednesday when the living room was cluttered with things from my 45 days away. This time was worse because I’m still using a walker for a while, and it’s hard to carry and move things.

I started with the walker and bag I used at assisted living. It was fine there because I didn’t have to carry much.

But I spent lot of energy Wednesday without much to show for it. So I ordered this bag from Amazon with one-day delivery.

The bag held more, so yesterday was better. But I had also ordered this walker, which came today:

That makes a huge difference. Not only does the walker take a lot less effort to move, I can put a big tote bag on the seat and carry a lot more. I accomplished a lot more today. It pays to spend some time getting the tools we need.

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15 Responses to Sharpening the Axe

  1. the bottom walker is the the way most of the walkers are here.

    a couple use them to transport all kinds of things around the house, including their garbage and laundry stuff – and if a delivery comes and they need to transport it to their rooms

    along with using one when they are out, they do fold up but usually they have too much stuff in the “bag” part.

  2. Totally agree! Having the right equipment to make your life easier and safer is the way to go. Those looks great! I was grateful to borrow a walker from my cleaning girl from the county when I needed one for a few months 1 1/2-2 years ago, but it was one of the ones you had to lift to move ahead of you, walk up to it…lift/walk/lift/walk. Couldn’t carry anything with me easily at all, but I was grateful for it. I always thought if I ever needed one again I would get one of the nice ones with the big wheels and a seat like you have! And having a good pouch in the front, too…wow! Living the life, you are–lol! 😉

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …with each passing day I see more walkers!

  4. Rose says:

    The right tools makes all the difference.

  5. The one with wheels is so much easier to use. The bag is a really good idea.

  6. Myra Guca says:

    Way to go!
    Your blue walker’s a twin to Tom’s! He doesn’t use it around the house, but it goes with us almost anywhere he has to walk more than a few feet. Nice, too, that he can use it to sit on comfortably while waiting.

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    This is so interesting to me. I have three kinds of walkers that I need to use from time to time. I find that the one with wheels is not a stable, as if you get off balance, it will move. Depends on what I need it for. But I have had problems trying to carry things with them. And I hate to keep asking Phil. I did not know you can buy these bags, and I am going straight to Amazon! So your post is a great help to me!!! Don’t go wild and overdo!

  8. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Been looking through the walker bags on Amazon. I’m so glad you gave the link! I put three in my cart to decide upon later. But I’m likely to get your first one, as that seems more solid and has the most room. I’ll get the one with flowers on it.

  9. The OP Pack says:

    It is amazing how many wonderful aids there are now to help when you need that assistance in getting around and getting things done. Your new walker will also provide you with that seat to take a break:). Don’t overdo it now

  10. Linda Sand says:

    The right tool for the job is wonderful to have! I would be lost without my TravelScoot. I don’t use it in the apartment but I do when going out as I can’t walk very far at all without pain.

    Please, do try to remember to stand up straight when using the walker. The urge to hunch over it is strong but will weaken your back. Voice of experience here.

  11. Bruce Taylor says:

    We just recently bought Judy a new walker. It has bigger wheels on the front that pivot and it’s a bit taller so she doesn’t bend over as much. And it’s RED!

  12. Ann Thompson says:

    You’re doing well at finding ways to get around. There are several customers who have that second walker you showed. One woman who walks a lot would often be seen sitting down resting part way through her walks.

  13. MadSnapper says:

    these are all really great and I can see how the first works well for one thing the others for another. I walked in Walmart yesterday morning behind a lady pushing the blue one here with wheels. I see her every Saturday, she uses it to get to the baskets and I meant to see what she did with the walker but was so frustrated from following her in the door I forgot to look. there is a tool for just about everything and blogging is a great place to learn about them..
    I love Andys comment and have felt that way in the past. the good news is, my OCD part of me can’t stand it until everything is in its place. it was good back then, not so good now because I used to attack it and getter done. now I have to be slow and think about what I am doing.
    the other good thing about these tools is you will be moving around not sitting down and moving is what keeps us moving.. so glad you are home

  14. It’s cool that you found the right things on Amazon, they do seem to have everything!

  15. I can’t believe you were there for 45 days. I know it didn’t go by fast for you but it seems like it had just happened. I like the new walker you got and I think it is going to be very helpful for you. You take care.

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