Two Scribbled Quotes

I’m in the midst of a massive decluttering and came across these scribbled quotes.

Be in love with your life.

Let your inner light shine.

I can still do that, but sometimes I need to be reminded. It doesn’t happen automatically.

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12 Responses to Two Scribbled Quotes

  1. I think we all forget our favourite me quotes from time to time…

  2. MadSnapper says:

    found scribbled notes here make for hard reading. I find notes all the time and think what does this say? can’t read my own writing. I can read yours though

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …these are keepers.

  4. Rose says:

    I need these in bold letters where I see them every morn!

  5. Something we so often forget.

  6. Barbara Harmon says:

    The “ski glides” for walkers are really great too – we used them when my husband got out of rehab last December and needed a walker for a while. They kind of “glide over uneven spots. Ah, the adventures of getting older.

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    Same here. I can do both those things but sometimes I forget.

  8. Myra+G. says:

    However, wherever… truth rocks!

  9. Bruce Taylor says:

    I think it gets more difficult as we age.

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