Vacation and Life Style Change?

I’ve mentioned before that I loved my apartment and viewed it as my play pen. When I got immersed in a project I didn’t worry if the apartment looked messy. In the fullness of time I would devote a few days to uncluttering it and it would look fine again.

The ability to focus on a project stood me in good stead when I was in the hospital, rehab facility, and assisted living home. As long as I had my iPad and internet a good part of my life came with me.

Unfortunately when I fell and broke my hip I was getting psyched up for a big decluttering, That meant I did it when I got home using a walker. It took a lot more time and effort that way, but I finished Thursday morning when the Merry Maids came to give the apartment a thorough cleaning. I was tired, so I’ve been taking a well-earned vacation since then. I’ve decided that for thirty days I will spend some time just enjoying how the apartment looks, and I’ll keep track of it in a little journal. Hopefully that will help shift my priorities a bit. Enjoying the looks of an uncluttered apartment has to have a higher priority now because I may no longer have a choice of when to work on it. I’ve also arranged for Merry Maids to come to clean every other Thursday. That should help too.

Life keeps changing, and we have to change with it. That isn’t necessarily bad.

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26 Responses to Vacation and Life Style Change?

  1. Rose says:

    Your apartment looks like it has so much light..i love that alone. I really love the neatness of it, too. I need to work on that.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …neat and clean can be a blessing.

  3. Light and Bright. It feels so good to have clean and tidy. Very nice!

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I am so happy that you decided to get the berry maids to come in. I think that was a great choice. Also knowing that they will be coming it will help you to keep the Clutter out. I know my friend Madeline always had lots and lots of clutter everywhere and when she moved in the retirement community in a little house where they came once a week and did housework it made her pick up her clutter because she didn’t want the maid to see the Clutter. I do love spiffied up clean house. So happy you are home and getting everything under control

  5. Your place looks great. Love the wood furniture and all the light. Looks inviting. Taking a month off (or more if you choose) after having such a task of cleaning up…with a walker…sounds like a great idea.

    I know what you mean about becoming immersed in projects. One advantage of living alone for me is I can arrange my home any way that makes sense for me and I can leave ongoing projects out as long as I want. My home is also my playground and my sanctuary. I can hardly wait to get my new home organized! 🙂

  6. Bruce Taylor says:

    Your apartment looks spiffy! I love all that rich wood furniture. It makes it seem warm.

  7. Life does keep changing and I’m not doing well moving along with it. I could use a maid but I’m just not comfortable having someone in my house. I’m so happy to hear that things are going well for you. You take care.

  8. Myra Guca says:

    I love your carpeting!
    That’s a great philosophy — focusing on what you love about the apartment and journaling those thoughts. Sometimes I get to feeling that way about my bedroom, and smile out-loud. ure beats sitting on-line and longing for things I don’t need.
    Happy Vacationing!

  9. Linda Sand says:

    I love all your rich wood furniture. I miss having ours that color. Ours is now a light birch and it doesn’t feel nearly as warm.

    I’m thinking about changing our housekeeping crew here to every other week. It is too much stress for me to have to be ready for them every week. We tried not having them come at all during the pandemic but it took too much effort on our part to keep up with all of it. There must be a balance in there somewhere.

  10. The OP Pack says:

    The place looks lovely. I have never had any outside help with cleaning. But lately the place seems a lot bigger to me, and maybe I need to start thinking about it.

  11. Your place looks very nice and how cool you have a piano.

  12. Ann Thompson says:

    Your apartment looks nice and neat. I spent yesterday cleaning here and it felt so good when I was done.

  13. I moved to a much small footprint where everything personal had to live a space that although seemed small at time and the fact I had no time to deal with my bed. I’m glad I didn’t get rid of it for a small entity.

    But recently I turned to bed around to another wall and it’s actually better

    Still work in progress as I need to reshuffle some “things outta here” already some things went to the local charity shop because although I loved them, they weren’t fitting in here

    good idea to have the Merry Maids come by – it will help you sort out if there’s something better you could do.

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