Fingers Crossed

It’s been eight weeks since I broke my hip, and the physical therapist says I should no longer need the walker. I am being careful, and the doctor says fractures are funny, he will take another x-ray October 17 to make sure nothing has gone wrong. We will have to see, but it’s nice to walk without help. 🙂

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30 Responses to Fingers Crossed

  1. Congrats!
    Yah! I’d take it slowly and carefully, for sure, but that is good news. 🙂

  2. MadSnapper says:

    So happy for you, 8 weeks went by really fast, but for me not you. I am sure being away from your home made those weeks drag. you sure healed great in that amount of time.. Yay for walking without the walker

  3. they say time is a great healer – but of course you have to remember that magical word “time” and take you time…

    all care

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s awesome. You’ve done so well in your recovery.

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …take it slow and easy.

  6. Rose says:

    To us the recovery seems quick, but I bet it felt longer to you. I am so glad you did not have to have surgery.

  7. Myra Guca says:

    Congratulations! Jus’ don’t go break dancing to the music. (Pun intended!)

  8. Good for you, but please continue to be careful.

  9. Ginny Hartzler says:

    So you have enough coordination now to walk unassisted? This is wonderful!!!! I somehow missed your previous post, so I just finished reading it. I love seeing your apartment! I have never seen one with a dining room! And also I am impressed with your matching piano and cabinets! You play piano?

    • Jean says:

      I don’t walk normally, but mostly walk unassisted. I learned to play the piano when Kaitlin was 8 and started lessons. I really enjoyed it.

  10. Do you have a cane? It can help stabilize if you need it. This is very good news.

  11. Good news, so happy for you! Keep that walker around, though. Great to use when the sidewalks are less than ideal weather or maintenance wise.

  12. The OP Pack says:

    Slow and easy. And anytime you aren’t sure you are ready, you always have that walker at the ready. Take care.

  13. Bruce Taylor says:

    As everyone says: “slow and easy”. Be careful, extra careful. And keep the walker close in the event you need it. Still, good news from the medicos.

  14. Wisewebwoman says:

    Having been on both sides of disability I hear you loud and clear in what we take for granted and how joyful it is to be mobile again, even if limited.
    May your journey continue positively!

  15. That is great news. I’m happy to hear this. Take care and don’t go too fast!

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