A Misty, Moisty, Lazy Day

This is my favorite kind of weather. It was a great day for relaxed puttering around the house, clearing out a few more things. My physical therapist was supposed to be here at 10:30, and I wasn’t concerned when she didn’t come on time. About 10:50 I was starting to text her to see if she had forgotten, when she phoned. She had been enjoying the day too, contentedly getting caught up on some paperwork when she realized she should check her calendar. Oops! She wanted to know if it was too late to come over. No problem. She was pleased to see me walking and gave me some exercises to do.

The rest of the day was relaxed like that. Just what the doctor would have ordered.

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26 Responses to A Misty, Moisty, Lazy Day

  1. So glad to hear you are getting better. God bless you.

  2. great that everyone is relaxed – and that the way forward is coming along – at a slow pace

    stupid day here, spring does this kind of thing here – one minute sunny the next minute heavy rain and thunder – but what got me was the “chill wind” – not nice at all. Cab both ways to the Arts space

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s nice that you and your PT were able to enjoy the day. So happy to hear you are doing so well too. Keep it up.

  4. Rose says:

    I love to watch a sky like that…puttering around is a good thing. I am so glad you are able to be on your feet again.

  5. MadSnapper says:

    Laid back days are my favorite days, I am thinking soon you will not need the therapist. puttering is a good thing to do…

  6. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …enjoy more and more wonderful days.

  7. You certainly are coming right along. I’m looking forward to autumn showing up!

  8. Keep on improving! We’ve got a cloudy and gloomy looking day here.

  9. Myra Guca says:

    What great news! Your relaxed attitude about the therapist is so sweet.

  10. Relaxing days–yes–just what the doctor ordered.
    I love them. Appreciate them more the older I get, I think. 🙂

  11. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Our weather looks just like this!! So are you still walking unassisted? No cane? How is it going? any pain?

    • Jean says:

      No cane around the house. Essentially no pain, but I don’t walk normally after putting all of my weight on one side for so long. I’m very careful.

  12. I’m glad that worked out, even though she was late. It is always good to get some exercises to help us with issues we have.

  13. The OP Pack says:

    A very good report. That’s the kind of day when I like to do some reading. We could use some rain here. Maybe this weekend, or so they say:)

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