Nap Time!

I’m glad I don’t have a kitten climbing over me when I try to sleep. I snuggle with Lamb Chop instead.

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14 Responses to Nap Time!

  1. Kittens absolutely can make it very difficult to sleep sometimes, that’s for sure! LOL! Love this video. 🙂

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …an afternoon nap is one of the rewards of being old!

  3. Those best buddies are so darn cute!

  4. The OP Pack says:

    There has never been a kitten in this house, but we are fascinated by how well Goldens do with them. We think Lamb Chop makes a very comforting companion:)

  5. Bruce Taylor says:

    That has to be the most patient dog ever!

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    As a kid, I loved The Sherri Lewis Show and watched it whenever I got the chance. At the time, I don’t think there were any other female ventriloquists.

  7. Yes, I remember Lamb Chop.

    God bless.

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    Cats can make it difficult to sleep sometimes especially if they want something from you. Lamb chop would be my choice to take a nap with.

  9. MadSnapper says:

    I giggled out loud all the way through, that cat is determined and I don’t know how the dog could just sleep through it.. this is exactly why we don’t have a cat in the house, I am a light sleeper, unlike this dog.

  10. Rose says:

    I have not watched the video of my cats from a kitten till he died slept with me probably 90% of the time. When young it was laying across my forehead…a person can get used to.anything I guess. I got till I would have to feel to see if he was there. Then as he aged, he slept wrapped around my head, and one paw on my neck. Always. Then, the last couple of years, by my side, under the cover…he love everyone, but all i had to do was say his name, and he came to me.

  11. Myra Guca says:

    Too cute! That poor dog may be thinking, “If I just close my eyes long enough she’ll go away?”

  12. I have a cat that sleep next to me, her head on the pillow. But she just sleeps. Lamb Chop is a good choice.

  13. The dog is sure patience with that cat but he or she looks like its got an ear infection which might be why that cat couldn’t quit playing with it.

  14. That’s a sweet video. I love Lamb Chop.

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