I had my annual physical with my general practitioner today, and she wanted us to talk about anything and everything I chose. She had all the time in the world and we talked not just about medical issues, but also about options when Andy and I need more help in the future. She suggested I come back in six months rather than a year because so much has been going on she wanted to check in and see how things are going. How great is that?
I actually started the conversation by giving her a printout of an Economist article, Do women make better doctors than men? Research suggests yes. She said she had read other articles about that, and that the gap seems to be getting more narrow. We agreed that was a good thing, it’s not women vs men, it’s about doctors listening to, and caring about, their patients. That’s why Andy and I feel lucky to have her.
I asked her about Covid boosters, and she said they haven’t gotten them in yet, so don’t wait to get them at their walk-in clinic. Go to Smiths or Nambe Drugs and get one. So we did. We went straight to Nambe Drugs after the session with her was over. At first they said we would have to make an appointment, then they said the gal doing it had a cancellation so we got the shots right away. How great is that? A big item off the list of things we wanted to do.
September 18, 2024
great news all round
I was just talking to M who had a “well being” assessment to do with a service she receives – cleaning her room once a fortnight. Whilst it was about that it was also about her overall well being – could she need help with other living aspects; the woman said towards the end “I can see you are doing well” M hadn’t realised that some of the questions were low key, but obviously not meant to trick her but to see she could do a lot of things.
Yes, I would say, she is independent but her manners at times to others here is very odd!
something blew up at the dinner table chat about the annual rent increase, the residents who have been here more than 5 years, concerned with the dates, which for two completely different
for me and others it’s based on our arrival to live here…mine doesn’t kick in until early December
oh I missed the point with M and the rent reviews – she thought they were talking gobblygook on the dates…and couldn’t understand the palaver. I went back to my room, noted by date – and that’s when the penny dropped that it’s not “one date for all” but rather on occupancy date – her date is in October.
Having different dates for different people does make it confusing.
That sounds like a good day. It’s always nice to have a doctor that really listens to you. I think when it comes to men vs. women doctors I’ve had it pretty equal. I’ve had good and bad ones on both sides.
We are lucky when we find good ones.
I prefer women doctors and only twice for one year each had 2 different males the difference is so obvious. I sad to Bob I want to find a new doctor and he said he prefers females and I asked why, he said because they listen. that said, I had one female, for 2 years and she was the rare female that has the God complex and doesn’t listen. I changed from her to another female in her office and I love her. she is a DO and leans towards no drugs if at all possible, she has helped me so much. still trying to get bob to change.
I’ve had to change eye doctors in the past because of God complexes. It was from a woman to a man.
I think you have a wonderful dr..i am bot surprised by the article, yet have only had one or two male drs who were so arrogant i refused to go back or take Roger back. We have met some wonderful drs.
I had one woman eye doctor I wouldn’t go back to for regular annual visits. That’s because she kept telling me not to come back for two years. I would have had a detached retina if I had listened to her. I love the fellow I go to. On the other hand, I had to go to her once when something was wrong with my left eye and she correctly diagnosed it as shingles. She partially redeemed herself.
…you are fortunate to have a good doctor!
Sounds like you have a really wonderful doctor!
I have to agree that the percentage of women doctors I’ve had that have been really good is higher than the percentage of male doctors that were really good. 🙂
We’re lucky when we find good ones. 🙂
It’s wonderful to have a good and caring physician and a good visit is even better!
How fortunate to have a dr who not only listens but gives you the time you need.
We’re grateful.
Sounds like a great appointment and a very nice doctor.
Yes. 🙂
I have had both good and bad, male and female doctors but my current female one is excellent! I am concerned, though that the system she works for recently got bought out so she may get pressured to see more people in less time. I am hopeful she will still be able to give me the type of attention she always has.
Fingers crossed for you!
Great news!
My last two medical professionals have been female — and as of yesterday, Tom’s primary at the VA. I think a good listener is so key; unfortunately we’ve only 1 out of the 3.
Good listeners are hard to find.
It sure sounds like you have a fantastic GP. You are very fortunate. We are both getting our Covid boosters tomorrow. We had to hunt around for a pharmacy that had the Pfizer version as that is what we have always gotten. Here’s hoping we have no ill effects. Glad you were both able to take of that too.
All except the one before this were Moderna for us. We don’t worry about it, we just keep our fingers crossed that they work.