A Nice Routine

The visible progress you’re hoping for usually comes slower than you’d like. Even with consistent effort it can take a long time before progress feels significant. It might be a year of writing and editing before the book really starts to come together. You may need two years of recovery from a major injury before you notice just how far you’ve come. It may take two years of yoga before you realize how flexible you have become.

Take a deep breath, stop worrying about immediate results, and settle into a nice routine.
—James Clear

That’s what I’m doing now. Figuring out the nice routine I want to settle into. So far it’s going well…there’s no hurry.

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10 Responses to A Nice Routine

  1. Ginny Hartzler says:

    You can take any situation, and make it better!

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s a good way of looking at it. I’ve always wanted immediate results or I get discouraged and quit. I need to just establish a nice routine.

  3. yes to a nice routine, that helps you recover.

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I always always want immediate results. I did have to wait 18 months to lose the 70 pounds.. weight loss has to have a new routine and it takes a lot of time. Hope you find the perfect routine in your new normal.. I am a routine type person, and have to have one to function.. so this means maybe a year from now I will be able to draw better pictures? ha ha

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …find your proper routine.

  6. Rose says:

    I am not always the mist oatientvperson, but I do know that things can take time.

  7. Absolutely. Life can become a long test of patience.
    Endless lessons to learn. 🙂

  8. Look how far you’ve come already.

  9. That’s a great quote. I’m glad your routine is working out right now.

  10. Myra+G. says:

    That’s what I’m going through right now, trying to focus on the journey — not how fast I can reach the top.
    How fortunate we are to have a life coach like you!

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