Lesson Learned?

I checked my email while I was gone those weeks, but I wasn’t diligent about tossing things in the trash after I read them. So Thursday evening I finally faced up to sorting through the 400 or so left in my inbox. I was getting close to finishing when somehow everything in my inbox got highlighted when I was trying to delete a few more, and everything went into trash. So I then had to look through the 1400+ items there and look for the ones wanted to save. Sigh.

That has never happened before, and it may never happen again, but just in case I’m going to start emptying my trash a lot more often!

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26 Responses to Lesson Learned?

  1. I see you

    I think the tick boxes and so forth have just gotten minds of their own – and just do things. Of course my hand issues means that often I hit a little “button thing” more times than needed and of goes xyx in this gadget or worse still my phone!

    I’m always surprised how many items are in my trash can…

  2. Rose says:

    I will not admit to how many emails I have…way too many. I have been deleting again. But there are probably way more than 400 that I would not get rid of…I have emails from my nephew who spent summers with us. He passes away unexpectedly a few years ago. Running across one from him is like I am sitting down talking to him.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    I delete as I read, can’t stand the emails looking at me. if there is something I want info saved, I copy and paste it in a document and save it with name.
    I have both emails set on auto delete anything in trash older than 30 days.
    if its an email I want to save, like business type, I forward to to my business email, which will let me save it into folders on the email, unlike Gmail which even saved can be deleted by accident. I have maybe 40 save on my web mail.
    sorry about all that work… hope its done by now

  4. Myra Guca says:

    Yikes, that’s frustrating! And here, I’ve been disappointed at the lack of e-mails received in the last year. (Yes, I’m still old school who prefers to communicate that way.)

    PS – I don’t know if this is common to ‘gmail’, but some of the e-mails I delete just disappear into thin air never to be found again.

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …I try to keep my inbox nearly empty.

  6. I tell myself everytime I clear it out that I will delete as I go. Then I don’t. Maybe next time!

  7. That delete thing can be kind of scary at times.

  8. Oh my, I’m so sorry to hear that. What a pain in the butt! ((Hugs))

  9. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ve had a bad habit of letting emails pile up and I’ve been trying to get better at deleting right away and then emptying the trash on a daily basis.

    • Jean says:

      I save a lot of emails in folders, but it does take time. I never worried much about how big my trash folder was, but now I’m going to pay attention!

  10. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Yikes, what a pain! This sounds like something that I would do. Just the other day, my finger slipped while ordering something! I have many finger slips, hence mysterious things then happening.

  11. Linda Sand says:

    I delete mail as I read it. I back up my computer every Sunday. I try to remember to empty the trash as I do that. Try. 🙂

  12. I try to delete or answer and delete as I go. When I do get behind it gets to be overwhelming quickly, yes!

  13. Bruce Taylor says:

    The computer wants to tell you what’s good for you. Blasted computers.

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