Bless You, MVD!

My last driver’s license was set to expire this week. The rule has been we have to renew in person and take an eye exam if we’re over 75. I had scheduled to renew it early, in late July, so it wouldn’t be hanging over my head. But I had to cancel that appointment when I fell and broke my hip July 21. Then the question was would I be able to drive before the license expired? Would they renew it if I was temporarily incapable of driving? Finally on August 8 I decided to make an appointment to get it renewed as late as possible. If worse came to worse I could always cancel again.

But instead of making an appointment for me to come in, their site renewed my license for a year! I checked their website and they still talk about having to come in for the vision test every year, so who knows what’s going on. We’ll have to see what happens when Andy renews his in January.

At any rate, I am grateful. I only drive the few blocks to the grocery store, and I won’t even do that until I’m sure it’s safe, but the MVD spared me some possible red tape. Again, I’m grateful!

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24 Responses to Bless You, MVD!

  1. Now that is an amazing turn of luck! And from the MVD, no less! Whoohoo!!

  2. Rose says:

    That was sure a blessing.. here we call it BMV,bureau of motor vehicles. And you hear all kinds of stories, but I have never had anything unpleasant…never had to wait forever.

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …there too much red tape.

  4. We call it the DMV, department of motor vehicles. You caught a break, woo-hoo!

  5. Myra Guca says:

    What a relief! Dealing with DMV’s rules and regs can be stressful.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    Well that worked out well. Now you have a whole year before you have to do anything with it.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    Fantastic, sounds like a glitch that you a great favor.. bob had to take the vision test last month,

  8. The OP Pack says:

    That was very good for you. Our state/county has some age limits, upper and lower for renewing online. And yes, we are both outside the limits. At least so far we have no trouble with the vision tests. Hope your hip will allow you to drive safely soon.

  9. That is a good deal and we say hooray for them too!

  10. That’s very interesting. Glad that worked out for you.

  11. Barbara Harmon says:

    Our DMV now requires appointments for services and it makes it much more pleasant – no huge crowds, no people really cranky from waiting forever. However when my husband (in his 80’s) and I went the other day to update our drivers’ licenses, I noticed a little special care given to older people. Kinda sounds like what happened to you! Let’s hope it’s a trend.

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