Free Covid Tests

Click on the link for higher resolution. Even better, for U.S. residents, go to the ordering site.

I’ve ordered ours and they should ship by the end of September.

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9 Responses to Free Covid Tests

  1. Catherine says:

    We had a period of time for boxes of RATS, had to pick up from designated pharmacy. The Trust got extras as well. Touch wood, we haven’t had any cases recently.

    A nasty cold bug that I had myself in June with a dreadful cough…that many other people got

  2. The OP Pack says:

    Thank you. I have been waiting for one of these to come along. Ordered ours too.

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …this public health mess doesn’t want to end thanks to President 45! Don’t let him become President 47!!!

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Thanks for the link! Yes, we have run out of them. Our doctor used to have a big stack to take from in their waiting room.

  5. I had just ordered mine! Glad they have some more free ones. 🙂

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