My First Trip

Andy and Rita, my Visiting Nurses physical therapist, had both thought I shouldn’t drive until a doctor officially okayed it. I was physically capable of doing it, but I was content to go along with them for the last few weeks. For one thing, after Monday if I want more PT I will have to do it as out patient at the medical center. No more Rita coming here to the apartment.

Anyway, I could drive this morning so took a little trip. Where did I go? To the County Building to cast my early ballot.

Can you think of a better way to celebrate?

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18 Responses to My First Trip

  1. I can not!!! Whoohoo!!!

  2. that’s more great news 🙂 awesome

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …good for you!

  4. Linda Sand says:

    Yay! I plan to vote at our City Hall in the next week or so. They are rebuilding roads around there so we have to check our route the day we go but we ARE going.

  5. Myra Guca says:

    Great news! I think we’ll wait and vote on Election Day; there’s never been a long wait at our little precinct.

  6. The OP Pack says:

    Good for you, both for following doctor’s orders and for voting. Our mail-in ballots finally arrived today so I will be making a trip to the PO on Monday.

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s awesome that you can drive again and that was a great way to celebrate.

  8. Good for you taking a little drive and casting your vote. We are mailing ours in tomorrow.

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