Huskies and Veterinarians

Click on the picture to see the video, and make sure the sound isn’t muted.

Here’s another husky at the vet’s. He doesn’t fight being carried in, but he sure lets people know how he feels.

I laugh every time I watch it.

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25 Responses to Huskies and Veterinarians

  1. Rose says:

    I cannot watch now…but hopefully I will remember to send you a link to a blog post about taking two dogs to the vet…not me. It is simeone else.

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Loved these. The conversation in the first one was so funny. Then the second one just made me laugh like crazy. That is one very dramatic dog.

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …not happy.

  4. Shug says:

    These are the cutest doggie conversations. So cute!! This video made me smile several times…????

  5. MadSnapper says:

    that second one knows how to protest! my brothers son and his wife have 5 huskies, and 3 look just like this one. the others are white. they got two, and were raising puppies, but each time they kept 2 of 5 and finally gave it up.

    • Jean says:

      I’m keeping that second one as a resource. He would be a nice kindred spirit when something happens that I can’t fight, that I have to go along with, but that really scares or upsets me. I won’t howl, I will just remember his howling and know I’m not alone. 🙂

  6. The OP Pack says:

    That also is very typical husky behavior. I must be spoiled because all of my huskies have loved going to the vet. No whining, no complaining, they must understand they are being treated well and loved. I will send you a video in a bit of Timber reacting to Titan’s conversation with his Mom.

    • Jean says:

      Thanks for the video…Timber is so sweet. I’m glad your pups don’t have trouble with going to the vet. That makes life so much easier.

  7. Rose says:

    Laughed till I cried….thank you!

  8. Myra Guca says:

    I love them so much! If it weren’t for the ridiculous Summer heat here in Alabama, I’d really like to make one — or two — part of our family.

  9. Ginny Hartzler says:

    These are absolutely hilarious!!! And Huskies scream like people do! Thanks for my big laugh of the day.

  10. Wisewebwoman says:

    Oh I laughed at this. All my animals knew the word “vet”. I resorted to spelling it and they knew that too. And then *shame* I lied and said it was a car-ride which they all loved.
    Still hanging my head. And they are all glaring at me now from the Rainbow Bridge.

  11. Those were really, really fun!

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