Would You Go Back?

In a comment to yesterday’s post Shug wrote,

I think Iā€™m ready for us to all go back to the 50ā€™s and 60ā€™s when life seemed simple. all this new technology stuff and Drones, it is all depressing.

Would you go back to an earlier time if you could? There are a lot of things I don’t like in these scary times, but I do love blogging and the internet. Especially now because our daughter and the rest of our families are so far away, and all of my local friends have moved elsewhere. One of my favorite cartoons is a person saying to a person handling her laptop — please be careful, all of my friends are in there.

But for me it’s more than that. For years I wanted a pen pal that I could have long discussions with, and I wanted it to be by writing. There is something about trying to express ideas in writing that satisfies a deep need for me, and when I discovered blogging I felt I had found something I had spent years searching for.

I can understand why Shug would want to go back, and I agree with her about the proliferation of drones, but losing my connection to the world would really hurt. What about you?

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33 Responses to Would You Go Back?

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    I have mixed emotions about that. Going back would would indeed return simpler times but I enjoy my computer. If I were to go back it would have to be without the knowledge of what it’s like to have what we have now.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …I enjoy looking back, but not going back.

  3. Rose says:

    I would not want to go back simply because of medical advances. I would miss the internet, too. But the medical always gets me whenever I think I would like to go back.

  4. Plain Jane says:

    I long to go back to the years of my childhood, but as has been mentioned, I enjoy my computer too much to lose it.
    I think the question is: Is it really a simpler, more peaceful time, or are we wearing rose-colored glasses of nostalgia?

  5. Pixie says:

    I would have no desire go to back in time. I like knowing that I have ADHD and that I’m not alone with the feelings I have. I like knowing that I am connected to a wider community through the internet. I like the information I can find on the internet. Not only that, but most of the meds we now use to make life better, were not invented forty years ago.

  6. Myra Guca says:

    So often I’ve found myself longing for a 50’s America …
    Then I remember all the medical advances with which we’ve been blessed — and my Guilty Pleasure, the internet!

  7. No. I do not want to go back. Think about how it was for women, for people of color. Nope.

  8. Wisewebwoman says:

    Absolutely no to going back. And aren’t the drones just the night sky and some idiots thinking they are from outer space? A storm in a teacup in other words.
    Technology is brilliant, not just for global connection but scientific research, etc.

    • Jean says:

      I think the idea of a drone threat has been debunked, but apparently there are a lot of drones buzzing around, and the number is bound to increase.

  9. Christine says:

    I don’t think I’d like to go back

  10. MadSnapper says:

    no I would not go back,never ever, I love techie stuff but I also did not like the way women were treated, the way men thought they were IN charge, people of another color must not eat, drink or potty with white people, born in the 40’s and now 80 I love our new world. there is something in every year or decade that is bad, we have bad but the bad from then is now better. there were murders and rapes and wars just like now. there was so much misery in the 50’s I lived it and saw others live it. a man was allowed to beat his wife and kids and no one would help them. the only time machine I would like to have is my age, I would like to be 40 and be that way forever.

  11. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I feel the same way that you do! And not only that, computers can answer any questions we have about anything, we just ask. But of course back then the world was not in such bad shape, and the earth was not as destroyed as now. Seems the more we go on, the more evil the world gets. OR is it only that we know about more evil because of tech?

  12. Linda Sand says:

    Back in the 50s we all lived close enough to friends and family to see one another all the time. We didn’t need electronic communications. But, that might be the only positive from back then.

  13. I can’t say I would want to go back but I do wish the children today could grow up like we did and not have all of the electronics. Too much screen time!

  14. I wouldn’t want to go back and risk messing up all those happy memories.

  15. Never been a backwards or a “what if” type of person. It was a lot of hard work to get to where I am now…and I do love the internet and having a cell phone where I can take pictures and make long distance phone calls and having grandsons. There’s good and bad in all times. In the 50s we had school drills hiding in a ball under our desks during the cold war, women had to have permission from their husbands to get their name on the title of the house or get a charge card, “whites only” signs…it was not a wonderful, fantasy time…except for white males. But it also had its beauty and wonder, too. Like now. Good and bad. But I wouldn’t want to go back. šŸ™‚

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