We’ve been having internet problems. Yesterday, Dave was talking to the tech guy by phone while looking at his laptop. The guy wanted hime to test something so Dave borrowed my phone to do that. Three devices to fix one problem.
Our land line went out last week. It was time for our weekly call with our daughter, so when Andy was talking to her using my cell phone I went on the internet to chat with a person from our phone company. He needed to send me a text to a cell phone to verify the number so the technician could text me the next day to tell me when he was coming. I used his cell phone for that. It made me feel like we were competent enough to be in this century. 🙂
Truly wonderful.
God bless always.
I love it!
…what a way to live.
Too funny.
This is a great one! Sharing …
Oh my, that is too funny!
We’ve been having internet problems. Yesterday, Dave was talking to the tech guy by phone while looking at his laptop. The guy wanted hime to test something so Dave borrowed my phone to do that. Three devices to fix one problem.
Our land line went out last week. It was time for our weekly call with our daughter, so when Andy was talking to her using my cell phone I went on the internet to chat with a person from our phone company. He needed to send me a text to a cell phone to verify the number so the technician could text me the next day to tell me when he was coming. I used his cell phone for that. It made me feel like we were competent enough to be in this century. 🙂
Funny! I think dogs and tech are total oxymorons!
No doubt, but it was a cute idea. 🙂
Ha! That sounds about right!
What is the future of “our” world?
It’s not going to be boring, that’s for sure.
I don’t want to even think about what my dogs might do with phones:)
Woos – Misty and Timber
LOL too funny. Probably a good thing Gibbs can’t use the internet. He would max my credit cards out at Chewy.
Yes! 🙂