The Snow Bird

A couple of weeks ago Kaitlin and Torben were in their living room when they heard a thunk at the window. They looked and saw a snow bird dropping to the ground. They ran to the window to see if it was hurt and were relieved to see it was already up.

Then while they were watching, a hawk swooped down and carried it off.

Not all stories have happy endings. That’s why I keep looking and looking for ones that do.

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32 Responses to The Snow Bird

  1. Catherine says:

    Danger everywhere if you’ve not paying attention.

    Yes I love happy stories be they real or novel.

  2. MadSnapper says:

    that is so sad, survived the crash and snatched away at one time. it was probably fleeing the hawk when it hit the window.. life is sad and there are none, including humans and creatures that can escape it.. its also full of happy and joy, we just have to find it

  3. It was a happy ending for the hungry hawk, though. All depends on perspective. I also do tend to sympathize with the underdogs, myself.

  4. Kaitlin says:

    We had a gamut of emotions, ending with “Nature.” I remember when we first got Tempi and she ran around the yard digging up toys we had no clue Montana had buried. I started to get sad that she was taking Montana’s toys, when Torben pointed out why shouldn’t she? I guess the same thing… the hawk needs to eat too.

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …that is the way nature is.

  6. Myra Guca says:

    Somedays I loathe predators.

  7. It’s the cycle of life but I don’t like to see it.

  8. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Oh my GOSH! Poor little thing. We have snowbirds (Juncos) come every winter. We have a large living room window that birds crash into. I need to put up a cardboard owl or something.

  9. Bruce Taylor says:

    For those of us in Arizona, I think you need to use the term Junco to refer to the unlucky little bird. We mean something else when we say “snowbird”. :^)

  10. Ann Thompson says:

    Aw, poor little bird. It just wasn’t it’s day.

  11. shug says:

    so sad for the snowbird. I know this made them sad as well ..

  12. The OP Pack says:

    That is so sad. We are worried about the birds here because we have lots of icy conditions now and snow and bitter cold coming in tomorrow.

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