Kittens and Pups

Here’s the video. It does have an ad in the middle that needs to be skipped.

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26 Responses to Kittens and Pups

  1. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …cute to say the least.

  2. Shug says:

    Oh my goodness…..this is the cutest. I love how pets can be so entertaining.

  3. The OP Pack says:

    I love seeing this. If only my Sibes liked kitties . . .

  4. Bruce Taylor says:

    It’s always fun to watch one of these.

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Some of these are so sweet. And then there is the one where the dog actually chews on the kitty’s face! And the cat tolerates it!!

  6. That’s a super cute video!

  7. Myra Guca says:

    Who needs television when these sweet furbabies provide joy simply being themselves.

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    These are all adorable. Thanks for sharing this

  9. MadSnapper says:

    we just laughed out way through this love story between cats and dogs. so sweet. bob’s dad raised hunting beagles. bob just said he was amazed that all their beagles new the difference between cats and rabbits. they would chase a rabbit but not the cats

  10. I love pet videos. They make you feel so happy and good!

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