Miserable People and Happy Dogs

The weather the past week or so reminded me of these January 2022 paragraphs in the Boston Globe about the weather there.

As she walked her dog on Saturday morning, with one plow after another passing her, she struggled to open her eyes as small flakes pelted her from seemingly every direction.

Trudging through shin-deep snow, the 34-year-old was among the few to venture into the neighborhood’s desolate streets β€” most of them miserable people walking happy dogs.

I hope conditions aren’t so miserable where you are! It’s cold here, but a lot nicer than that.

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29 Responses to Miserable People and Happy Dogs

  1. It’s sunny but still very cold.

    God bless.

  2. MadSnapper says:

    It has been cold enough I wear 3 layers, and did walk in misty rain two days, but nothing like this. I was so miserable on the rainy days he only got half of his happy walk.

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    It’s much colder than I like here. We are expecting a bit of a warm up for a few days though.

  4. Shug says:

    Looking at 53 degrees weather today…maybe some sun.. These are so lucky dogs to have someone who loves them so dearly. Happy Monday

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …the sun is shining, it’s a marvelous day.

  6. It’s a warm-up here, for awhile, anyway.

  7. That’s why I have a cat. If I have to pick up poop it’s so much nicer to do inside with a scoop where it’s warm. πŸ˜‰

  8. The OP Pack says:

    The reverse happened here. The pups were the miserable ones missing their walks for days on end. But we have a nice warmup this week. We will be off and walking this afternoon:)

  9. Myra Guca says:

    Unfortunately, the only precipitation outside my window is a miserable chilly rain. But yes, I remember having to walk through really deep snow to school and back. Great exercise! At least they let the girls wear long pants, provided (that) once we arrived, we changed into dresses.

  10. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I love how it says…miserable people and happy dogs!

  11. We have actually had some rain in Southern California which is a good thing. Hope you have a nice week.

  12. This is one of the first days above freezing for a while, we’ll take it!

  13. It was sunny and in the 40’s today – so pretty nice for us!

  14. Rose says:

    Thankfully our temperatures have improved and I am happy for it. When it was so cold we had to watch Copper…he would stay out till his toes froze if we didn’t make him come in.

  15. Catherine says:

    nothing here like winter

    lack of rain, lack of cold, mostly too warm and briliiant sunshine

    just remember, in a few months you’ll all be basking in sunshine

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