More Pathetic Than Heroic, I’m Afraid

I couldn’t help laughing and thinking of Tennyson’s Ulysses Friday evening as we tried to figure out why our old, precious lamp stopped working. The cleaning lady had been here Thursday, so we suspected she had moved it to clean and a wire in the cord broke. Andy took the top off the base and pole to look at it, and it took an embarrassingly long time for the two of us to reattach it.

Made weak by time and fate.

No doubt about it, that was us. But that doesn’t stop us from pushing right back like Camus. Having a sense of humor can be powerful too.

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29 Responses to More Pathetic Than Heroic, I’m Afraid

  1. looks complicated.

    God bless.

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    I’m impressed by the way Andy is able to get down on the floor like that. I would find that position a bit painful

  3. MadSnapper says:

    I am with Ann, neither of us could kneel in that position. the lamp would have to be raised to a table of at least a sofa height. did you get the lamp to work?
    we know about the “made weak by time and fate” ha ha hahaha

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …when it comes to lighting, I head to our local lighting shop!

  5. I couldn’t get down in that position, either…or get up from it once I got down there–lol! Did you get the lamp to work?

  6. Did you get the lamp to work after all that?

  7. That was an unexpected project. Hope it is working now.

  8. Ginny Hartzler says:

    So you finally fixed it? I love this quote “Made weak…” I find that whenever I hurry, bad things always happens. Being slow and intentional is the way to go, no matter what age! I love the color of your blanket.

  9. Shug says:

    Sure hoping that after all the squatting and the time it took working on the lamp, that it is now working better than ever. It’s hard to have to let go of our favorite things…so hopefully it is now as good as ever..

    • Jean says:

      He took it up to the land where he has more tools. I will let you know. They don’t make lamps like these any more. It has great light to read by.

  10. Yay Andy, not only for trying to fix it, but for being so flexible as to be down on one knee!

  11. Myra Guca says:

    I think shared laughter is the secret ingredient to make any project successful. (Not that I’d know, lol.)

  12. The OP Pack says:

    you are both like me. I like to tinker with things that are broken and try to fix on my own. But I bet you can find a lamp shop with a repair service that can fix it for you. Kudos to both of you for your effort

    • Jean says:

      There is a company called the Lamp Doctor in Santa Fe. I put in a request but they haven’t answered yet. And if Andy can fix it it would save two long drives.

  13. It takes me a while if I tackle something like that too!

  14. Rose says:

    Having a sense of humor can get a person through a lot….

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