
There is a dynamic quality about enthusiasm which nothing can resist. You can see it in the street orator, whose whole heart is in his argument, swaying a crowd. You can feel it in the work of any artist—painter, writer, musician, or whatever he be—if he has put himself into the thing he has wrought in, felt it enough, suffered it enough. And the beginning of the year is a good time, it seems to me, to set about enkindling our enthusiasm afresh. For life is a dead thing without it. Make it woodwork, if our tastes lie in that direction; make it stamp collecting; make it anything in the wide world so long as it is alive and vital.
—Charles Hayward, a cabinet maker and editor of The Woodworker magazine

What makes you feel alive and vital?

Lamp Update:
Andy took it up to the land yesterday — he has more tools up there. It still needs more work and I’ll tell you more when he’s don with it.

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24 Responses to Enthusiasm

  1. MadSnapper says:

    Can’t wait to hear the rest of the lamp story… he is like bob, once he decides to do something he will not stop until it is done. at this moment, I can’t think of anything that makes me feel enthusiastic. Ann found her mojo, which is the same thing, but mine is still MIA…

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Hope he has good luck with the lamp
    Not really sure what makes me feel alive and vital right now. I think I’m feeling too blah being home all the time.

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …Enthusiasm make life interesting.

  4. Myra Guca says:

    Great question … it’s been a while.
    Sure, I become enthused every now and then, but more often than not, it ebbs. Do you suppose consistent enthusiasm is possible?

    • Jean says:

      I think the satisfaction of steadily learning and growing doesn’t wane. I also think one can get too enthusiastic about one thing and throw the rest of one’s life out of balance.

  5. Currently I am doing well to just move through my day. Sad but true.

  6. Shug says:

    I was wondering about the lamp. hope he gets it lighting up. Traveling makes me enthusiastic along with Antiquing. Love both of these things…

  7. Pixie says:

    I think that’s why children are so engergizing, they are enthusiastic about everything.

  8. Christine says:

    Wonderful word and hope Andy can fix the lamp.

  9. I have days I’m not enthusiastic, but I have to say I am a pretty high and enthusiastic person – not so much in body – but in my mind. I always try to keep it going. I am blessed.

  10. Ginny Hartzler says:

    What gives me enthusiasm, what an unusual and amazing question! I never really thought of it before. So I will turn the tables and ask you the same thing!

  11. The OP Pack says:

    I do try to be optimistic and enthusiastic about life in general. It is a challenge to do that with what we are experiencing in our country now. But I keep getting my biggest thrills and enthusiasm from my grandchildren and the accomplishments and experiences of their lives everyday.

  12. I feel like I have lost my enthusiasm.
    Good luck with the lamp. Hope he can fix it.

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