Very cute and very smart. Misty and Timber never get to get anywhere near our beds on the second floor – way too much fur. But they are very happy with their bed choices downstairs. One time I let a couple of our Angels come up at bedtime. They stayed for about five minutes and then went back to their own beds:)
LOL, that reminds me of Gibbs. He’ll whine sometimes and I think he wants to go outside but he’ll just stand there looking at me like he’s saying I’m not going out there.
Good one. Thanx CM.
God bless.
…some have so many whines.
What a very smart Pet…..the owner??? This is a cute one! We all want to be warm, including our pets.
HA!! funny and often true.
LOL! 🙂
Been there, done that with a dog who wanted the chair I was sitting in.
LOL…..too cute!
Gotta notice those slight vocal variations!
Too cute! Smart, like Tempi and Zoe.
Very cute and very smart. Misty and Timber never get to get anywhere near our beds on the second floor – way too much fur. But they are very happy with their bed choices downstairs. One time I let a couple of our Angels come up at bedtime. They stayed for about five minutes and then went back to their own beds:)
That’s why I don’t have dogs. Or cats that ever go outside.
HA! Smart pup indeed!
LOL, that reminds me of Gibbs. He’ll whine sometimes and I think he wants to go outside but he’ll just stand there looking at me like he’s saying I’m not going out there.
I love that – so true!