I’ve Never Wanted to “Get Ahead”, But…

I agree with Mark Twain about getting ourselves to do something we don’t want to do,

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.

Combine that with the first law of behavior modification,

Whatever is rewarded gets repeated.

And you have a winning strategy.

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27 Responses to I’ve Never Wanted to “Get Ahead”, But…

  1. MadSnapper says:

    at this time in my life, everything is broken into pieces all by itself. Just remembering the things I need to do, like filing taxes, that I did yesterday are now forgotten. I always file mine the day after the last piece 1099 shows up. totally forgot it until day before yesterday.. I write things down and forget to look at what I wrote. when I thought of taxes I laid the info on the keyboard as a reminder. keeping up with 3 peoples meds is a job. Beau is the 3rd one, and is about to get two more to add to the list.
    the only reward is we stay alive because I remember to do the med boxes..

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …due to my learning disabilities, I learned early on to hustle to get ahead.

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    This is so true and something that I need to work on implementing in my daily life. I’ve become such a procrastinator it’s not even funny.

  4. I have also become a procrastinator. I write down daily tasks, then ignore what I wrote. Everyday I think I’ll do it, but….

  5. Shug says:

    I am a get ahead person. Mostly because I am a morning person and when I wake up, my mind is in speed mode. I usually have everything done by noon, including our dinner meal. But….after 1:00 pm I am done for the day and will put anything that needs to be done, off until the next day.

  6. I’ve been tackling big or unpleasant jobs that way for years. Works great.

  7. I love that idea – sounds spot on!

  8. Wisewebwoman says:

    I agree When overwhelmed I divide everything up even if it’s a load of dishes, I will do half and the other half when I can. At least something was accomplished which helps overall with the outlook.

  9. Myra Guca says:

    Left to my own devices (lol), that’s the way I used to address tasks at my workplace.
    I hadn’t thought about using that here on the home front.

  10. With fibro I had to learn how to divide tasks into small “baby steps” long ago. A lot more can get done 10 minutes or less at a time than trying to do it all at one go and failing. Lots of small rewards. 😉

  11. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Good to know, because I am not able to do very much at one time. I have to run and sit down after ten minutes or so of standing. So lots of small chores broken up by a few minutes of sitting.

  12. Mark Twain was such a wise one!

  13. That’s a good one. I am always overwhelmed with all I have to do.

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