The Sad Story…

behind that pile of new firewood.

That wood was bought downtown at our supermarket. A lot of the pieces were too large for the wood stove, so Andy had to do some chopping, but not nearly as much as he had with the old firewood. That is stored on the porch in winter and gets moved away from the house during fire season. (The pile is a lot smaller now.)

October 16, 2016

Now it’s so old and rotten that it’s great for kindling, but not for a roaring fire. Why? Because we had installed solar heating panels on the roof, and they provided radiant heating for the floors as long as we had enough sunshine. We seldom needed a fire.

It worked great until Andy forgot to close the attic window before a big freeze. That’s not good when there’s water in the system. Our trusty plumber had had to retire for health reasons and for the past couple of years our contractor has been too busy down here to want to go up to the land. So the trusty old wood stove it is.

Life goes on.

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One Response to The Sad Story…

  1. Catherine says:

    Here’s hoping you can get it repaired, as chopping wood , probably good exercise when you’ve 20 years younger, but now it’s kickback and relax time

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