Dog Lovers

The other night Andy came into my study laughing about this ad.


I Googled it and found the TV commercial it was related to.

A few days ago bikehikbabe argued that cats are better than dogs. Even if that’s true, it doesn’t matter. Some people simply love dogs. 🙂


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8 Responses to Dog Lovers

  1. Rummuser says:

    I would not quite do that to my buddies, but Ranjan and Manjiri would as would some other friends of mine. I had gone to a birthday lunch of a friend on Sunday and the center of attraction was an 18 year old Lhaso Apso rather than the birthday lady! It was amusing to see everyone fussing over the 18 year old rather than the 68 year old one!

    • Jean says:

      18 is very old for a dog, equivalent to 126 for humans? Sammy is only about 11.5, and he’s clearly showing signs of old age.

  2. tammyj says:

    even though . . . just as in humankind… there are some that are not so nice . . .
    i personally have never met a dog i didn’t like.
    sorry mister will . . . i’ve met many a man i didn’t like!
    but dogs? never.
    i have laughed delightedly every time i see this commercial. LOVE IT! LOLOLOL.

    • Jean says:

      I agree, some dogs are vicious. We stay away from those and focus on the heart-warming ones! I once subscribed to a magazine because it had great cartoons. It originally published self-help articles but then switched to talking about pets. When someone complained the magazine explained that most people found their pets to be more loving and supportive than people were.

  3. bikehikebabe says:

    I’ve had some great relationships with dogs…my before marriage Collie that I kissed on his nose, Kendall’s Samoyed that was shot when I was running him behind my bicycle on a back road.

    I love the personalities of dogs. I’d like them better if they didn’t: “smell when wet, track mud into your house, jump up on you, dig holes in the yard, sniff you, bark their heads off, collect ticks, hump your leg, cause vet bills. Have bad breath, cost with all the dog food they eat, cost to board in kennel when you leave town, fine payed when they are caught roaming…”

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