Heartwarming and Heartbreaking

I find this video to be incredibly sweet and incredibly sad.

What do you think?


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5 Responses to Heartwarming and Heartbreaking

  1. Rummuser says:

    I agree with you.

  2. Vicki says:

    At first glance, to us humans, it seems as if the dog is trying to save the dying fish in need of water. And it appeals to our hearts on a very deep level.

    After observing various dogs over three decades, and from extensively reading about canines, it is more likely that he is displaying typical (wild, ancestral) behaviour.
    This inherent “food hiding” response is to hide excess carrion from scavengers, or the rest of the pack, to be saved and stored for possible coming leaner times when “the hunt” is not so successful.
    Also, days old, buried meat acquires a strong smell, irresistible to dogs, and is very tender inside the grey, mould exterior. A canine’s digestive system is supremely built for eating raw meat and bones that have been buried in earth.
    Even if there is no soil to dig into, a domesticated dog will still sometimes attempt to “bury” food with his/her nose, even scraping it on hard surfaces like concrete or carpet inside the home, simulating the act.
    Which is what looks like the case in this video.

    But, it is heartwrenching, all the same. I feel terrible for the poor fish, some in their last gasps. And, at the risk of anthropomorphising, I would like to think the dog is valiantly trying to save the fish.

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