So, it’s now officially spring here in the Northern hemisphere, fall for Cathy and Evan. The weather was still yucky yesterday, but that will no doubt change soon.
Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing.
—Kenneth GrahameEvery clod feels a stir of might,
And instinct within it that reaches and towers,
And, groping blindly above it for light,
Climbs to a soul in grass and flowers.
—James Russell Lowell
Do either of those quotes ring true for you? The Lowell quote is the one that resonates most with me. Grahame’s “longing and divine discontent” doesn’t have the power of “stir of might.” But in the past those stirrings weren’t that connected to spring for me. In fact, I was usually most excited about making changes/trying new things in the fall, probably because of my old school days. The start of school was really the start of a new year for me.
This year might be different. A week or so ago I had the feeling that some things were going to change for me. It wasn’t that I was starting a new project, just that some changes would happen spontaneously, and I was curious to see what they would be like. It could have been just my imagination, but it will be interesting to see. Have you ever felt like that?
March 22, 2015
My change has already started! I was able to sleep on my favourite side last night without any discomfort. There is still pain in the shoulder but now it is recognisably reducing day by day. I can certainly visualise being totally painless in the next fortnight or so.
i’m so happy for you rummy!
that was also my first clue that my shoulder was healing!
i could start sleeping on that side again! LOLOL.
such a simple important thing.
I’m happy for you both! Mine lasted a lot longer than Rummuser’s, but the main thing is NO SURGERY.
my favorite quote about spring is from rainer maria rilke…
it is spring again. the earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.
my new fresh change is still going strong. eating healthfully. i’m still feeling better and better. just call me the energizer bunny! 😀
Yay, tammy!
I have felt that changes are coming or happening for me. They have been longer-term than the seasons.
Mine aren’t that connected to the weather either. It is fun waiting for them to unfold.
I’m never really very good with seasonal changes…yes it’s Fall (Autumn) here but to date my big flowering cherry out the back hasn’t thought about dropping leaves, nor has the now ornamental grape vine (ornamental because all it does now is have leaves)… pretty but useless.
Morning is a little chillier but the clocks have not gone back so that will change…but this morning suddenly about 9am the sun blasted forth and although it’s breezy now, early arvo it’s just right – not too hot, nor cold.
Yes, plants don’t pay much attention to the calendar. 🙂