I looked thru a line of CMonk posts & see you have Shingles. Googled it & see the vaccines are 50% effective. Since you had one, you’ll have an easy trip–easier. LOVE
Nick, I used to like squirrels ’til I noticed they are the ones who pull down our apricots to harvest the seeds for winter. I don’t want the seeds, just the apricots. Wish we could have a deal. ;D
Most bird lovers hate squirrels, but I’m with you, I think they’re fascinating. When we were at Cornell there were a lot of squirrels and dogs. We would see a dog getting ready to rush a squirrel, then he would take off at full speed. The squirrel would calmly wait until the dog was almost to him, then scamper up a tree. The dogs never learned. They wasted a lot more energy than the squirrels did.
Well there are NO squirrels in this land but there are possums who think the fruit on some trees are only for them!
I’ve still got a lot of living to accomplish but if I don’t get it all done, so be it…I don’t have a written list, but if something comes along that looks more interesting it just gets tacked on whatever I’m doing now…
My uncle once tried to chase a racoon out of his persimmon tree. The racoon chased him back into the house. It was clear from then on who owned the persimmons.
I am along for the ride.
I hope it’s mostly pleasant. 🙂
Love and laughter is good. Also music, books, art and movies – and culture generally. Also beautiful landscapes. And squirrels.
I looked thru a line of CMonk posts & see you have Shingles. Googled it & see the vaccines are 50% effective. Since you had one, you’ll have an easy trip–easier. LOVE
Nick, I used to like squirrels ’til I noticed they are the ones who pull down our apricots to harvest the seeds for winter. I don’t want the seeds, just the apricots. Wish we could have a deal. ;D
Most bird lovers hate squirrels, but I’m with you, I think they’re fascinating. When we were at Cornell there were a lot of squirrels and dogs. We would see a dog getting ready to rush a squirrel, then he would take off at full speed. The squirrel would calmly wait until the dog was almost to him, then scamper up a tree. The dogs never learned. They wasted a lot more energy than the squirrels did.
Our cat was like the dog rushing to get the squirrel. She’d run out the branch only to have the bird fly off at the last instant. 😀
Comment no. 1 was suppose to go here, not at Nick’s. ( I commented twice before I published them. 🙂
Well there are NO squirrels in this land but there are possums who think the fruit on some trees are only for them!
I’ve still got a lot of living to accomplish but if I don’t get it all done, so be it…I don’t have a written list, but if something comes along that looks more interesting it just gets tacked on whatever I’m doing now…
My uncle once tried to chase a racoon out of his persimmon tree. The racoon chased him back into the house. It was clear from then on who owned the persimmons.
no racoons here either!
OH i love it.
i’d be there for the potato salad too.
sometimes deep just makes me tired. 😀
These choices get easier and easier as we get older. 😀
Real contact.