I phoned Andy about 10:45 yesterday morning, and he answered! He was about three-quarters of the way down from his hike in the mountains. After lunch he phoned here as he sat in his rocking chair on our front porch. How cool is that?
He tried phoning again on the way home, and the phone rang but we were cut off before we could say much. We also did some texting, which seems a bit more reliable, so he’ll send a lot of short texts tomorrow. He said don’t bother answering, he will send one letter in each text, in alphabetical order so when he gets home we can see if any didn’t get through.
Again, bless Tim for showing that we can get some reception up there. We’ve been wishing for it for a long time.
August 14, 2015
I wonder if your service provider is bouncing signals off a satellite rather than using transmission towers!
I’m guessing not. Reception is better on our porch, where there are fewer/no obstructions between us and the towers.
that is very cool!
and i’m so relieved and happy that it’s working well.
and yes… bless tim and beate! for many things! 🙂
I’m with tammy – great to have that communication tool working – neighbours can often come up with suitable solutions and it seems yours have as well. Of course, that won’t stop Andy falling and hurting himself but it’s nice to know there could be help if he chose to text/call out…via the phone…
He had trouble texting this afternoon, but hopefully it was just that the battery needed charging. He’s going to explore where texting works and where it doesn’t — not that just because it works in one spot one time it always will. In general he should have good luck from our front porch, so even if he won’t always be able to tell us if he hurts himself, he probably will be able to tell me if he will be late or if he has to spend the night. Every little bit helps — it should be a lot better than what we had. The older he gets the more important it is.
Very cool!
It’s not perfect. The past two days he had trouble sending text messages in the afternoon. We’re looking into it and keeping our fingers crossed.