I’m So Glad…

I’m so glad I’m not a kid anymore.


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10 Responses to I’m So Glad…

  1. tammy j says:

    oh. truer words were never spoken.
    i’m loving these.
    keep’em comin’!
    actually i’m just SO HAPPY to be old and retired. LOLOLOL!

  2. Cindi says:

    I just wrote a post about retirement!
    I’m going to try to enjoy life while planning for it but I must say, I’ll be thrilled when it gets here! 😉
    Although the plan is to not really retire but…
    More like just quitting what I do now and not being forced to GO some place at a specific time.

  3. Rummuser says:

    Be honest CM. There has never been sleep of the quality like the ones we had when we slept in class in school!

  4. I’m glad I’ not a kid in school any more and glad I’m not a teacher in school anymore. A most wonderful time for me is waking up when the weather is really lousy and not having to drag myself from bed, fight the insane traffic and then spend the day inside with a roomful of hyper six year olds! Retirement certainly has it’s blessings.

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