The apricot tree outside my bedroom window is in full bloom.
Andy’s daffodils are coming up.
And a shoot from Beate’s rosebush is starting to grow. The rest of the bush was eaten last winter, but the shoot was hidden in the grass so it survived.

August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016

March 20, 2017
Andy put some hardware cloth around it to protect it until Beate and Tim come in a couple of months.
Poor little shoot.
Hang there!
Yes, we’re rooting for it too!
what kind of little mouth could stand to eat thorns on a rose bush!!!
i’m with cindi.
hang in there little bush! xo
Andy thinks it’s probably the deer and rabbits. There’s not much to eat up there in winter.
lovely to see your Spring, even if it just a shoot in one place…
I think certain things here, are showing signs of autumn/fall…but not much. Have had a strange day in that was overcast/dull most of the morning, around lunchtime heavy drizzle, late arvo the sun came dazzling out and now it’s quite humid, a very low breeze – so i have opened my front door…will close it soon, as it now after 7pm…
Your weather seems to be variable too!
Amazing result of great inputs!
Life up there is not boring. Something is always going on.