More Pictures

Beate sent me their pictures of the walk last Sunday:

Thank you, Beate and Tim!


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8 Responses to More Pictures

  1. Cathy in NZ says:

    defintiely good photos and will stand as a marker for how well the land fares from now on…good to see in one of the photos, trees that perished and some who either didn’t or managed to get going again…

  2. The pictures captured some of the natural beauty of the landscape. I love those undulating hills! I have no idea where this area is located, but judging from the size of the stump, it’s probably somewhere that has abundant rainfall at certain times of the year. We are experiencing massive fires in Canada (British Columbia), and although it is far away from where I live, the consequences of forest fires are staggering.

    • Jean says:

      Yes, we know about wildfires!

      The stump is at about 9,000 feet, so it tends to be moister up there. The tree was logged years ago and the new ones aren’t nearly that big yet.

  3. Rummuser says:

    Great photographs again.

  4. tammy j says:

    GO ANDY! king of the hill.
    or rather the tree anyway. 😀
    love these pictures monk.
    his hat makes me think of those wonderful classic movies.

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