
Kaitlin sent these two pictures of Tempi snuggling with the stuffed animal the neighbor girl gave her.

Have you ever snuggled with a stuffed animal? (I still do.)


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8 Responses to Snuggling

  1. I thought Tempi usually wrecked anything – shows a different side for sure…

    I don’t necessarily hug a soft toy but I do have my ancient panda and a less ancient small teddy bear on the other side of my bed…every so often we have a chat, and when I change the linen, I have to put them off the bed…for a short time, usually we have a quick “pat/chat”

    Of course, I have a lot of soft textiles that I use in my art, which are constructed into objects, but not sure I would necessarily hug them, as often they are wired…

    I have wonderful wheat bag, which when hot from being in the microwave certainly is a warming object to hold…

    • Jean says:

      When I was helping to nurse my mother when she was dying, I knit a lot. I purposely chose soft yarn for the soothing feel. I can imagine that you would feel the same handling your yarn and soft textiles.

  2. tammy j says:

    those lines between her eyes. oh Tempi girl.
    wishing they could speak to us.
    maybe she understands more than we know.
    and yes. I have ever snuggled with an animal. both stuffed and not!
    it always helps. xo

    • Jean says:

      We’re not sure how much of it is Sammy no longer being there and how much is because Kaitlin and Torben were so upset. Kaitlin said she got one of toys out and tried to get Kaitlin to play with her and presumably cheer up a bit. She also shook with nervousness when they drove to recycle some books, but was reassured when she found out what they were doing. Then she acted more like her normal self. Maybe she was afraid she would be abandoned? Poor baby!

  3. What a beautiful puppy. She look well content.
    Coffee is on

  4. .Rummuser says:

    I snuggle with a pillow.

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