Planning Ahead

There was no Silver Sneakers this morning because of Presidents’ Day, and the weather was supposed to be getting worse, so I went to the Y yesterday. It was a good call — we had some more snow.

The temperature was in the low 20’s F, and it was nice not having to go out in it.

I’m curous to hear what Andy says about the land when he gets home.

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8 Responses to Planning Ahead

  1. The OP Pack says:

    Good idea to plan ahead. We have another storm coming in tomorrow night, so Mom is making sure she gets her errands done tomorrow before it get icy again. Take care and stay safe.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. we had a short lull in our hot weather, in fact there was a pretty huge rain dump yesterday morning (hardly touched the ground though) but by lunchtime it was sizzling again.
    I feel that the early morning is less heated – but it’s raging heat again this arvo…I had to go somewhere (appt) and even the bus’s air-con didn’t seem to be coping.

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    We had more snow again yesterday. At least it wasn’t a lot. Stay warm

  4. Cindi says:

    President’s Day was … icy rain?
    I forget.
    Today is Friday and Monday was so long ago.
    Seems like it’s just endless winter.

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