You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.
–Robin WilliamsI think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality….
–Joseph Campbell in “The Power of Myth”It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ buddy…let’s go exploring!
–Calvin to Hobbes
I hesitate to tell you how long I spent taking the above picture for last week’s post. I had the post written by a reasonable hour, and it could have been a nice conclusion to a productive day. All I needed was a simple illustration for the text.
Instead I took picture after picture, varying the lighting, pose and camera angle. From time to time I downloaded the pictures to my computer and noticed what resonated and what didn’t. When I first started getting involved, the “rational” part of my mind said, “This is crazy. The picture you have is plenty good enough. Just let it go and get a good night’s sleep.” And a soft inner voice replied, “Yes, what you say makes sense. It is crazy. I’m doing it anyway, and you can’t stop me.” Once I get in that situation I don’t fight myself. I open myself to the experience.
I ended up going to bed about 3 a.m.
Was that really the best use of my time? When babies lie in their crib experimenting with making sounds, is that a waste of their time? Or when they start exploring their hands and feet, being completely open to the miracle of movement, is that a waste of time? I think not. And I believe that feeling of fascination and discovery shouldn’t be reserved for children. I personally regard that state as sacred space, when one forgets about time and is completely immersed in the present moment. So what if I got to bed late and slept in the next morning? It was a small price to pay for feeding my soul. Sure it was crazy, and I agree with Robin Williams, we’re only given a little spark of madness. We mustn’t lose it.
What about you? Do you have a spark of madness that makes you feel more alive, that lets you slip into sacred space? Please share your thoughts and experience in the comments section.
Thanks to bikehikebabe, David, Daz and Shilpan for commenting on last week’s post.
Beautiful post. I agree with you that doing what our desire wants is the key to eternal happiness. You’ve spent all of these hours and it was worth it as picture will stay on this blog forever inspiring countless visitors to follow your lead.
Please visit my blog when time permits. I’d love to have your comments on my posts.
My moment of madness when I forget about time, is when i read Jean’s Posts. It’s early in the morning & I have to catch the bus. If I’m really catch up in the madness, I read the jokes & miss the bus.
i see two mistakes in my above comment but I don’t care. We’re allowed to make mistakes.
🙂 Thanks for the kind words. I’m traveling at the moment but will definitely look at your blog again when I get back, hopefully next Thursday.
I didn’t even see your mistakes, so they couldn’t be very glaring. And, as you say, it doesn’t matter…the main thing is you comment and I really appreciate the interaction. Thank you!
The rational parts of our minds are generally the most boring.
Life’s too short to be boring!
So, who is your fuzzy friend?
I’ll often get so absorbed doing research in the library that I’ll forget what time it is- and it turns out to be 7pm & I’ve forgotten to go home for dinner!
On being a bit mad, I recommend my latest post, ‘How to be an Everyday Clown’
Jean, thank you for your honesty in the stories that you share.
My fuzzy friend’s name is Snuggles. I’m definitely a hugger and most of my loved ones aren’t. This way I get my hugs and don’t pester them.
I just looked at the post and love it. I’ll comment in a couple of days, when I get back home.
I’ve looked at your latest post, too, and will comment when I get back. I’m even less success-oriented now than I was earlier in life, but I do like your site. The post about re-igniting our inner fire really resonated with me. Again, I’ll write more when I get home.
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Jean, this is truly an inspired post and I wish that I had been visiting your blog when you wrote it. At that time, I certainly had more than just a spark of madness. Now, that spark has been converted into a raging fire! I am totally nuts now and use my time in all kinds of frivolous things that satisfy my restless mind. I call it being in the ‘flow’, and nothing else, as why reinvent the wheel?
.-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Swami Ramananandaji Maharaj. =-.
It is nice being “retired” and able to use our time as we wish, isn’t it? 🙂
Thanks for coming by.
Hope you will be able to attend the Pinole_Hercules Reunion on 9-25-10. I saw your sister at the last one and she said you were doing well. The reunions are fun and it is nice to see the people we went to school with so long ago. Phyllis (Wells)and I live on a farm in Oregon. Have been here for 41 years, every since I left Lawrence Labs in 1969.
It’s so good hearing from you! I won’t be able to make the reunion, but if I had a magic wand I would certainly drop in. My sister told me she saw you at the last one and I’ve thought of you often since then. I have a lot of great memories from that time. I’ll write to you in more detail by e-mail.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
and now i meet rummy!
all these voices from the past.
i always knew that i would love retirement and i do.
don’t think i have ever been bored in my life. there’s
so much to see, do, read, talk about.
and when i’m out of debt next year… might add places
to go to that list!
there was an old man in a wheel chair at a costume party.
he went as a pregnant nun. he had a sign on the back of
the chair that said “i should have danced all night.”
when they lifted him into the car to head for home, he was
heard to say “i had so much fun!”
then he died.
true story. i knew him. and he would be pleased to know he’s
part of your blog now!
tammy j