Filled Dog Bones

Sleeping and looking at the scenery isn’t enough to occupy the pups on long car trips.

So to keep them from amusing themselves by tearing things up,

the bipeds buy them bones stuffed with treats.

Here are the bones the pups cleaned during their recent trip to see Torben’s family in Ann Arbor, Michigan and us in New Mexico:

It was a long trip!

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12 Responses to Filled Dog Bones

    • Jean says:

      The bones help a lot. It’s 1300 miles from here to their home, and the trip here was even longer because they came from Ann Arbor, 1500 miles.

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    LOL, that’s a lot of bones. They were busy.

  2. what does one do with the empty bones, I assumed they are a little worse for wear when the treats have all gone…

    I suppose it’s like humans they buy a packet or two of lollies, maybe some chocolate bars, just in case the layover stop hasn’t got any food…I know when I’ve been travelling I always have some sweet treats tucked away to munch on…

    • Kaitlin says:

      We actually reuse them. We make a mash of sweet potatoes and peas, stuff them, and freeze them. I am out of sweet potatoes and had to face very sad Zoe eyes this morning as she didn’t have her bone…

  3. Rose Swalls says:

    Daughter had this ball type of thing that she stuck treats in for Otto that kept him busy at home.. Otto is a dog.

    • Jean says:

      I thought i had answered this, sorry I’m so late. I know what you mean about the ball thing. Sammy loved them and they kept him occupied for hours.

  4. nick says:

    All those bones must have kept them fully occupied for most of the trip!

  5. Cindi says:

    Are those roasted marrow bones from Chewy?
    I give my gang those when I need to keep them in their kennels for a long day.
    After they empty them out, I either put peanut butter in them or I squirt cheese whiz inside. But now I’m thinking of doing sweet potatoes and peas! Sounds much healthier!

    • Jean says:

      They are Red Barn filled dog bones. We bought some here filled with bacon and cheese, but they have other flavors too. Kaitlin usually freezes them after she refills them with sweet potatoes and peas. That works at home or short trips, but obviously not for long ones.

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