Another Possibility

Another possibility for Zoom meetings is my Mac Mini hooked up to an old Dell Monitor. I used it for the August meeting (no video of me, just a picture) because I wanted to be able to show a slide or two. It turned out I didn’t have audio there so I also signed in with my iPhone so I could talk. Not the best solution but it worked.

Anyway, I ordered a webcam and spent some time yesterday experimenting with lighting and placement.

Our monitor is old, and I can’t reduce the screen brightness much, so there’s a reflection from my glasses. (In the Zoom picture above it’s not so bad because my head is down.) And the webcam doesn’t have a microphone. So I’ve now ordered an inexpensive microphone and also tried an app that is supposed to let me use my iPhone as a microphone. My computer says it recognizes it as a sound source, but it can’t hear me.

The usual. Things don’t always work the way they say they will, but I’m learning a lot. It’s a good practice of patience and relaxed problem solving. No boredom here, just lifelong learning.

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20 Responses to Another Possibility

  1. tammyj says:

    it must be nice to be left brained. lol.
    I say that with admiration and also even reverence for the late Jeanne Robertson. technical issues don’t tempt me. they tempt me to find someone sharper than I to solve it. you Enjoy solving it! and I admire that. XO
    and ps… I like your glasses!

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    You sure know a lot about tech things and hooking them up! We can’t evenconnect a printer or router!

    • Jean says:

      It took a lot of time and patience to get experienced doing these things. You probably have better things to do with your time. 🙂

  3. I’m pretty useless at things like “tech” but also anything that I’ve “no idea about in the first place” … but I do have technical knowhow in other arenas…

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    When it comes to figuring out new tech gadgets, sometimes I get it and sometimes I don’t. Have fun working with the new webcam

  5. Catalyst says:

    It can get to be expensive though, doesn’t it?

    • Jean says:

      It’s amazing how inexpensive the webcam and microphone were. I’m not sure if more expensive ones would last longer, but I wanted to see what works best before I consider anything expensive. I now know I want to use the Mac Mini because I can’t see the laptop screen without getting my face super close. That does not make for good videos. 😀

  6. MadSnapper says:

    i have never done a zoom of any king, i have doen 3 doctor visits using DUO abd two friends on phone duo. i am with you on the life long learning and it is good we can and will do it. keeps the mind sharp

  7. Hootin' Anni says:

    Wow. A learning experience. For you….AND us.

  8. Rose Swalls says:

    Sometimes looking at things as a puzzle is the best way to get through them.

  9. Myra Guca says:

    Like others have commented, I’m a total technophobe. Thankful for folks with minds like yours!

  10. Cheri says:

    I would say I enjoyed your post….but I didn’t really understand it:) You must know a lot more about technology than me (which wouldn’t take much). At any rate, I hope you get it all worked out to your satisfaction!!!! If only I knew as much as my teenage grandkids!!!

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