Another possibility for Zoom meetings is my Mac Mini hooked up to an old Dell Monitor. I used it for the August meeting (no video of me, just a picture) because I wanted to be able to show a slide or two. It turned out I didn’t have audio there so I also signed in with my iPhone so I could talk. Not the best solution but it worked.
Anyway, I ordered a webcam and spent some time yesterday experimenting with lighting and placement.
Our monitor is old, and I can’t reduce the screen brightness much, so there’s a reflection from my glasses. (In the Zoom picture above it’s not so bad because my head is down.) And the webcam doesn’t have a microphone. So I’ve now ordered an inexpensive microphone and also tried an app that is supposed to let me use my iPhone as a microphone. My computer says it recognizes it as a sound source, but it can’t hear me.
The usual. Things don’t always work the way they say they will, but I’m learning a lot. It’s a good practice of patience and relaxed problem solving. No boredom here, just lifelong learning.
September 6, 2021
it must be nice to be left brained. lol.
I say that with admiration and also even reverence for the late Jeanne Robertson. technical issues don’t tempt me. they tempt me to find someone sharper than I to solve it. you Enjoy solving it! and I admire that. XO
and ps… I like your glasses!
Whatever floats our boats. That’s the important thing. 🙂
You sure know a lot about tech things and hooking them up! We can’t evenconnect a printer or router!
It took a lot of time and patience to get experienced doing these things. You probably have better things to do with your time. 🙂
I’m pretty useless at things like “tech” but also anything that I’ve “no idea about in the first place” … but I do have technical knowhow in other arenas…
The main thing is to have as much fun as we can. Life is too short not to.
When it comes to figuring out new tech gadgets, sometimes I get it and sometimes I don’t. Have fun working with the new webcam
Thanks. 🙂
It can get to be expensive though, doesn’t it?
It’s amazing how inexpensive the webcam and microphone were. I’m not sure if more expensive ones would last longer, but I wanted to see what works best before I consider anything expensive. I now know I want to use the Mac Mini because I can’t see the laptop screen without getting my face super close. That does not make for good videos. 😀
i have never done a zoom of any king, i have doen 3 doctor visits using DUO abd two friends on phone duo. i am with you on the life long learning and it is good we can and will do it. keeps the mind sharp
Yes, that’s one reason I do things like this, to keep my mind tuned up.
Wow. A learning experience. For you….AND us.
Thanks. 🙂
Sometimes looking at things as a puzzle is the best way to get through them.
For me that’s the secret, to get curious and have fun playing with problems.
Like others have commented, I’m a total technophobe. Thankful for folks with minds like yours!
I would say I enjoyed your post….but I didn’t really understand it:) You must know a lot more about technology than me (which wouldn’t take much). At any rate, I hope you get it all worked out to your satisfaction!!!! If only I knew as much as my teenage grandkids!!!
It’s nice to have them around when you need help? 🙂