Husky vs Border Collie

I’ve probably shown this video before, but it still makes me laugh.

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18 Responses to Husky vs Border Collie

  1. Cindi says:

    I’ve seen this before!
    I LOVE it.
    I’ve sent it to my sister because she has 4 Huskies.
    And I have/had Border Collies.
    Border Collies are the BEST!

  2. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    Too funny! The Husky appears to be on Valium! I guess Border Collies live for this sort of thing.

    • Jean says:

      Yes, border collies are bred for this kind of work. Apparently huskies are great at pulling sleds in cold weather. 🙂

  3. MadSnapper says:

    border collies and healers and other dogs like them are perfectly made for herding. I wish I had just a tad of the collies energy levels. they are not a dog you want to own unless you have a big space for them.

  4. Rose says:

    I am glad you posted it cause I have not seen it before. Sitting here with tears in my eyes from laughing.

  5. sillygirl says:

    I just read a book that involved huskies – An African in Greenland. It is the true story of a young man in Africa that becomes obsessed with visiting Greenland. I really liked the writing because I felt I was seeing the people and what their take on life is/was. It was published in 1981 so may be difficult to find but well worth looking. There is also an interview with the author from years later where he talks about a publisher helping him bring the story to print. Fascinating.

    • Jean says:

      Thanks…I looked it up. Amazon has it, but unfortunately no audio version. I can’t read much print at one time so I’ll have to skip it. It does sound fascinating.

  6. My heart belongs to Lobo! I could watch this over and over!

  7. tammyj says:

    I hadn’t seen this before. Lobo made me think a little of Olly that year!
    he was having such a great time. and he Stole the whole show!
    I follow at least three blogs of husky owners and have learned a lot about their personalities because of it. they can be Wonderful. and they’re apparently very Vocal! LOL.
    but border collies are amazing. and beautiful! I’ve already watched it twice.
    will have to again. All dogs are just the Best! xo

  8. tammyj says:

    I just watched it again too! can’t get enough of that husky Lobo! Love it!
    and the border collie… OMGOSH. the Energy! xo

  9. Rose says:

    I showed it to Roger…he says the husky ‘Did it his way…’ He laughed, too.

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