Another Quiz

What’s the best selling cookie in the world?

What is the best-selling cookie in the world? ____ cookies.

Since the brand’s inception in 1912, more than 450 billion ____ cookies have been sold around the world, and are now available in more than 100 countries.

Click here for the answer.

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22 Responses to Another Quiz

  1. oh I was thinking Mrs Higgins – but maybe that’s just a NZ brand.

    Tim Tams are pretty up there – trendy wise

    Oreos did finally come to NZ but probably only a decade ago – and they don’t usually hit you at eye level as we are a nation of biscuit/cookie makers.

  2. Hootin Anni says:

    Before clicking …I will guess Oreo

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    I don’t know why but the first thing that comes to mind is Oreos

  4. Before peeking, I’m going with old fashioned sugar cookies. (Tho’ I’d rather eat the raw dough!)

  5. nick says:

    I heart ____ cookies. Also Tim Tams.

  6. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    I should have guessed this, but I was thinking all cookies including homemade. I guessed chocolate chip. Maybe because that is my favorite.

  7. Wow, I didn’t know that.

  8. Linda Sand says:

    My first thought was Girl Scout cookies. But, you can’t buy those year around so I’m sure that’s not it.

    OK. I looked at the answer. I guess I’m not surprised although we haven’t bought any of those for years. I’m not sure what to think of all the new versions they have now. It’s hard to imagine improving on the original. Dave’s favorite now is Keebler Fudge Sticks which we buy maybe once a year. But, they are offered at one of his monthly gatherings so we don’t really need to buy them. πŸ™‚

  9. B says:

    OREOS surely. I didn’t look at any comments nor the answer before commenting.
    Is Baklava a cookie? It is wonderful , no matter!

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