So What Is Andy Doing?

He’s repairing the power cord to the Christmas tree lights.

Some critter had been chewing on it.

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16 Responses to So What Is Andy Doing?

  1. oh my goodness – “critters and power cords”

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Oh no. Hope that critter doesn’t continue chewing it up.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    Critters c h e w through wires and cars also we have lots of that in Florida. We may not have to huddle inside wrapped up in blankets but we do have poison ivy and critters that c h e w year round. Good thing he can repair it

  4. Hootin Anni says:

    Nasty creatures. Sometimes they can do real damage!!!

  5. Critters can do a lot of damage chewing cords and cause a fire hazard. Glad Andy is on top of it. Can’t have the Christmas lights going out!

  6. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    He is a man of many talents!

  7. How fortunate he has the ‘know how’ to do this! Imagine how much you’d have to pay to have someone else come out — or replace the whole thing?

  8. Catalyst says:

    Referring to yesterday’s post, Andy will never be idle.

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