That Was a Coincidence

Wednesday, the day after I posted A Daily Cloud, BC had this comic:

WiseWebWoman and Deborah said they enjoy seeing figures in clouds, but for some reason I never have. I do love looking at them.

They make me happy, but I don’t have an urge to find something in them.

On the other hand, I still remember my sister’s and my bedroom when we were young. The painter had painted the walls white, then he went over them with a sponge dipped in pink paint. We spent a lot of time over the years looking at the blobs and sharing what we saw. I still thank the painter for doing that.

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7 Responses to That Was a Coincidence

  1. fluffy clouds are also nice, like marshmallows

    but today’s clouds have been “black” and then stormy stuff fell out of them – at one point (and thank goodness I cancelled my walk) down came lightning, thunder, rain and then hail… I gone out to the mail box and I’d been back indoors maybe 2 minutes!

  2. Myra Guca says:

    Every once in a while, yes; I imagine something or another floating above. Gotta say, northern New Mexico has the prettiest skies!
    That house painter sounds like an extraordinary person.

  3. Cute! I love the story of you and your sister with the pink blobs on the wall.

  4. MadSnapper says:

    on the rare occasion, it has to be obvious, I see something. but like these you posted are gorgeous and our sky is looking that way right now, i see only beautiful clouds. ha ha on the puppy dogs.

  5. Linda Sand says:

    I think the type of clouds you get don’t led themselves to imaginary shapes. They need to be, more or less, singular blobs to form pictures. Although I rarely look for those pictures I do enjoy seeing clouds. Even when they are storm clouds.

  6. Bruce Taylor says:

    Beautiful shots of the clouds and that gorgeous blue sky. Glad you, and we, don’t have any of that Canadian forest fire smoke. I saw on t.v. this morning that it had reached Europe!

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    How funny that the comic strip showed up right after your clouds.
    I still occasionally will look for things in the clouds. I don’t think I’m as good at it as I used to be though.

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